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5 Steps to Maximize Productivity

In every business, too much time is wasted on non-productive activities. Do you know that you get 80% of your results from just 20% of your time and effort? Consequently 80% of your time is virtually wasted on non-productive activities. Once you realize this it is...

10 Tips to Help You Enjoy Holidays

With or Without Your Family… The holidays can be a very stressful time of year and it is very common that people feel anxious, stress, and even depressed around the holiday season.  It can also be especially difficult if there has been a recent divorce,...

The Driving Force of Personal Goals

Unfortunately, many people go through life without ever identifying what they want, where they want to go, or who they want to become. They wonder why they feel frustrated, never achieving anything significant. What they should realize is that the difficulty is in...