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Top 10 List: Principal Reasons Businesses Fail

1. Inadequate or no management system. An overall system to operate the business is essential. Flying by the seat of your pants is no way to optimize results and get the most out of your people. 2. Lack of purpose, vision and mission. It’s like trying to put a...

Super Worker to Team Leader

A friend and colleague of mine, Tammy Kohl, who is president of Resource Associates Corp. in Reading, PA, spoke recently at a gathering of business coaches in San Antonio on the subject of new team leaders. These are people who often have been the "super...

People’s Inability To Cope

A recent health study determined that there are 3 primary reasons people can’t cope in life:  They have low self-esteem    They live in the past    The don’t laugh enough    In fact, the same study concluded that we need...