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Leading in a Piggly-Wiggly World

It seems as though every business-related book, blog or speech these days is titled to emphasize the unique economic times that we are experiencing. Titles like: "Selling When the Economy Stinks", "Finding a Job in Turbulent Times", "Marketing...

“YES”, Say Top Performers

In their book "First, Break All the Rules. What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently", authors Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman cover a lot of territory. One of the most interesting sections for me is their research regarding top performers....

Self-Leadership: Strengthen Your Strengths

Note: This resource is part of our Moving the Bar in Your Career and Your Life, a unique approach to professional development series: My 3 Ps: Passion, Purpose, Potential. Click here to see the entire series. Leadership. Most people think of leading others when they...