by Kevin Brimhall | Jan 21, 2025 | Book Summaries, Personal Improvement
Talk about a book title that grabs your attention! Quite a few colleagues have recommended this book to me, in part because they know that meaningful change is difficult to achieve for so many people. The basis for the title “Change or Die” is that...
by Kevin Brimhall | Apr 16, 2024 | Organizational Excellence
Managing Change in Organizations. If change was an acronym, what would it be? C.H.A.N.G.E.: Constant Havoc Amidst Nervous Grumbling Employees or C.H.A.N.G.E.: Challenging, Hostile, And No-Good Edicts (from management) or C.H.A.N.G.E.: Corrosive Headaches Arriving and...
by Kevin Brimhall | May 31, 2017 | Organizational Excellence
Most of us would probably agree that a workplace with chronically high stress is NOT a great place to work. While a certain amount of stress is good because it moves people to action, severe or long-term stress creates a negative work environment. Why should leaders...
by Kevin Brimhall | Oct 16, 2013 | Book Summaries, Organizational Excellence
My curiosity was piqued when I saw the article entitled "Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Had His Top Execs Read These Three Books." Bezos is an avid reader and this past summer he hosted all-day (yes, all day!) book clubs with Amazon’s top executives. Bezos said...
by Kevin Brimhall | Feb 27, 2013 | Book Summaries, Personal Improvement
Subtitled “How Successful People Become Even More Successful,” this book focuses on continuous improvement, especially for those people who have already achieved a certain level of success. The issue lies in a belief that “I’m successful”...