by Kevin Brimhall | Jun 9, 2024 | Personal Improvement
Ok, are you ready for a bit of a “deep dive”? I want to take you beyond the go-go-go of your day-to-day life and have you step back from the seemingly endless items on your to-do list (at home or work) …at least for a few minutes. It is easy to get...
by Kevin Brimhall | Dec 20, 2023 | Personal Improvement
ONE THREE-LETTER WORD YOU MAY WANT TO RETHINK. In honor of the upcoming New Year and new intentions, let’s explore a word we probably all use frequently. It’s a small and very powerful word, but not in the way you might think. It’s the word TRY. How...
by Kevin Brimhall | May 18, 2016 | Leadership
Vision alone is not enough. Much like a football team that is competing against another, having a game plan and the desire to win is important. However, winning depends on execution. One of your primary roles as a leader is that of a coach. Coaches reinforce the...
by Kevin Brimhall | Apr 7, 2015 | Book Summaries, Personal Improvement
Goulston, a psychologist, consultant, author and frequent contributor on TV, has written an insightful and example-laden book that explores many facets of not “just” listening, but of effective communication, in general. Subtitled “Discover the...
by Kevin Brimhall | Feb 23, 2015 | Motivation / Inspiration
A famous quote says, “Your attitude today determines your success tomorrow.” The most valuable asset you can possess is a positive attitude towards your life. Your attitude determines how much success you can achieve in all aspects of your life. Your...