Private Equity Firms (Middle Market focus) and Their Portfolio Companies
Optimizing your opportunities. Leadership is key. Contact for Free ConsultationPrivate Equity Firms (Middle Market focus) and Their Portfolio Companies
Optimizing your opportunities. Leadership is key.
On one hand, companies that partner with a private equity firm face similar challenges as most other companies of their size and stage. On the other hand, these companies often deal with opportunities for growth and improvement that can result in an accelerated pace of organizational change. This organizational change can take many forms, for example:
- A need to add to or otherwise bolster the leadership team
- A heightened focus on growing the top-line
- Special attention to increasing profitability
- A desire to expand product/service offerings
- Geographic, even international, expansion
- A need to increase technology expertise and capabilities
We work with private equity firms by:
- Evaluating the leadership teams of target companies, during the transaction’s due-diligence phase, to understand how team members function, both individually and collectively
- Coaching their portfolio companies’ business leaders to help them perform at a higher level
- Assessing candidates for C-level roles or other key leadership positions to help ensure that the right people are chosen for these critical jobs
- Helping the members of their portfolio companies’ leadership teams work together more cohesively
- Focusing on other areas to improve the organizational effectiveness of their portfolio companies
We specialize in working with:
Teams/Groups, such as:
- Board of Directors
- Area/Regional/District Leadership Teams
- Executive Leadership Teams
- Leadership Teams
- Management Teams
- Managing Partners
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We are based in wonderful Raleigh, NC.