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Thinking About Your Thinking

Thinking About Your Thinking

The Headline The human brain can process 11 million bits of information per second… but our conscious minds can only handle 40-50 per second! The Situation We constantly deal with new, fast-changing circumstances. The amount of information available to (or slung...
Signs of Strong Emotional Intelligence

Signs of Strong Emotional Intelligence

The last time we discussed emotional intelligence, we defined it as a person’s ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions to facilitate high levels of collaboration and productivity. We also identified the five (5) dimensions...
Enabling Your Best Self

Enabling Your Best Self

How do you enable your best self? Let’s face it: the past couple of years have not been easy. Remaining open, yet vigilant; positive, yet cautious; and resilient, yet flexible has been no easy task. For many, taking care of our loved ones has taken precedence over...