919.608.3208 (call or text)

What’s It Like to Have a Coach?

Having a coach is like having your own personal navigator for your life’s journey. The coach helps you chart your course and reach your destination. Imagine having someone in your corner who is totally committed to your success. Someone who always encourages the...

Ready. Set. Goals. 2012.

Every successful individual or organization has a plan. You need to know where you are today and what you want to accomplish in the future. However, just knowing what you want to accomplish is only the first component of a successful equation. The balance of a...

Please Help Me, I’m Stressed!

Stress is always a popular topic of discussion with my coaching clients. Regardless of the economic environment, conditions at home or at the office…no one is immune to it. To help me address the topic of stress this month, I turned to my friend and colleague...