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Book Summaries

Looking for an interesting book? Glance through over 60 book summaries here.

Steps to a Happier Life

• Think and Act Happy. You will create that state of mind for yourself and inspire it in others. • Take Control. Make effective changes in your life. • Set Goals that urge you forward, yet are still realistic. • Engage Your Skills. Seek activities...

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Teach Your Employees Communication Basics

Sharpen communication between you and your staff members by following these guidelines: ± Really listen; don't "wait to talk." When employees are speaking, focus on what they're saying and try to understand their complete meaning. Don't let your...

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Goal Setting and Achievement

I have always felt that one of the most important skill-sets that a person can have is the ability to set goals and achieve them. Goals are essential for establishing direction, defining actions, and measuring progress. Similarly, it is critical that businesses be...

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DON’T Use Business Metrics…at Your Own Peril

They say what you don't know won't hurt you, but nothing could be further from the truth when you run a small business. If you operate based on "gut instinct," or you make assumptions on how your business is performing without knowing the facts, you can run...

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Things We Can Control

When you're feeling a little overwhelmed, take a step back and recognize that you have a choice. Every single task or activity on your list is there because you've chosen to put it there. But are all these things what is really important? Have you lost control?...

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Pain – What’s Your Threshold?

Humans respond to pain. Of course there's physical pain, such as a headache or a stubbed toe or a broken arm, but that's not what I'm referring to. I mean the pain that comes from not being satisfied with how things are going in your life: personally, professionally,...

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