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Book Summaries

Looking for an interesting book? Glance through over 60 book summaries here.

The Moment of Truth in Sales

Note: This resource is part of our Moving the Bar in Your Career and Your Life, a unique approach to professional development series: Building Enviable Customer Relationships. Click here to see the entire series. Moments of Truth: let's use an Olympic athlete as an...

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7 Ways to Get Forward Momentum on Your Goals

You hear a lot of talk about the power that goal setting has on your ability to achieve success as you define it. There is no doubt that this is true, but it needs to go one step further. Having a goal setting process will not make you successful in itself. It is more...

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Helping Your Best Employees Grow, Part 2

Note: This resource is part of our Moving the Bar in Your Career and Your Life, a unique approach to professional development series: Optimizing Employee Performance. Click here to see the entire series. In part one of this article, we discussed how providing a...

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Helping Your Best Employees Grow, Part 1

Note: This resource is part of our Moving the Bar in Your Career and Your Life, a unique approach to professional development series: Optimizing Employee Performance. Click here to see the entire series. Why do people leave their jobs? Is it because of money?...

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Authority is Granted but Power is Earned

Successful leaders are individuals with high levels of personal power. Understanding the difference between personal power and granted authority is a significant distinction. Many people have the tendency to use the words authority and power interchangeably; however,...

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The Costs of Ego, Part 2

In follow-up to Part 1: Why Businesses Fail Dr. Paul Nutt of Ohio State University conducted more than two decades of research, with hundreds of organizations, on why business decisions go awry. He discovered three key reasons why 50 percent of decisions fail: 1. More...

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The Costs of Ego, Part 1

"Ego is the invisible line item on every company's profit and loss statement." - David Marcum and Steven Smith in egonomics: What Makes Ego Our Greatest Asset (or Most Expensive Liability), Fireside, 2007 Fifty-three percent of businesspeople estimate ego costs their...

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Book Summary: “The “It” Factor” by Mark Wiskup

Note: This resource is part of our Moving the Bar in Your Career and Your Life, a unique approach to professional development series: Effective Communication and Constructive Conflict. Click here to see the entire series.  After more than a few folks...

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