Valuing Employee Recognition
Providing the right kind of recognition for employees, at the right time There is significant discourse in the country regarding the importance of employee performance. There is no doubt that it's critical for the organization to reach its strategic goals. The...
What Inspiring Leaders Do
Motivation and inspiration are frequently used as synonyms, but they are actually quite different. Motivation is "the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something; a force or influence that causes someone to do something". It is an...
Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination
When we decide to make changes in our lives, one of the biggest obstacles we might need to overcome is procrastination. We want to change, yet we keep putting off the very steps that will create the desired results. A couple of years ago, we wrote about the negative...
4 Steps to Help CEOs Get the Senior Team Right
This recent article by Ted Bililies caught my eye, because I frequently see (and work with) CEOs who are challenged by getting their senior teams right. The following article has been re-posted here verbatim, with the addition of my comments after each of the author's...
Four Sales Stealers to Be On the Lookout For
Many successful marketers began their careers as children setting up lemonade stands or selling newspapers. Years of experience and exposure to more mature and intricate marketing techniques changes things, but there is one aspect that is no different between selling...
Have You Hugged Your Org Chart Today?
Who cares if there is an "official" organization chart? Who bothers to look at the chart or even cares whether there is a current chart or not? Wanna hug your organization chart? Today is the day to start! If you are the owner or CEO of a small to...
Avoiding Manic Mondays
In the mid-1980's, The Bangles hit the charts with the song "Manic Monday" (co-written by Prince), to which we all could relate. Recently, Peter Gasca, Co-founder of, wrote an article in that same vein, with the premise that "Monday...
Creating a Climate of Trust
In last month's article on trust, we shared some behaviors that can build trust and some that can damage trust. In this second article on trust in the workplace, we share some key ways to create a climate of trust. There are signs that there is high trust in a work...
The Mindset and Behaviors of Building Trust
Let's look at a trust. Trust can be defined as a belief in the reliability, truth, ability or strength of someone or something. How do you define trust? Think for a moment and answer a question; what does trust mean to you? At the heart of any work relationship is...
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