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Book Summaries

Looking for an interesting book? Glance through over 60 book summaries here.

Creating Value as a Coach

Coaching is a powerful, highly-tuned process of communication and problem solving. The relationship between coach and client is "co-creative." It focuses entirely on the client's interests, challenges, and goals. Coaches come in all "shapes and...

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Creating a Culture of Accountability

I read a recent article (reprinted below) by Tom Loeblein, President/CEO of Healthcare Management Consultants, and it completely resonated with me. I see so many organizations that wrestle with the challenges regarding accountability that Tom discusses. And, I see...

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Eating Last to Lead First

Imagine a world where almost everyone wakes up inspired to go to work, feels trusted and valued during the day, then returns home feeling fulfilled. This is not a crazy, idealized notion. Simon Sinek, author of Start with Why and more recently Leaders Eat...

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The Key Traits that Separate CEOs from other Senior Executives

A recent article in Chief Executive Magazine caught my eye, partly because of the article's title and partly because some of the research cited utilized a psychometric instrument that I am very familiar with: the 16PF. I invite you to read-on, regarding a topic that...

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7 Steps to Achievable Goals

How many times have you heard that being successful is all about setting goals? But, it may come as no surprise to learn there is a lot more to success than just setting your goals. Most of us, at some time, have been told that an essential part, if not the major...

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Anger and Emotional Hijacking

Have you ever wondered where anger comes from? Have you found yourself getting angrier than might later seem reasonable? Anger is one of two emotions that can cause the longest and most detrimental issues and concerns for many people (the other is fear). Anger is...

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8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M.

I don't normally post articles here from national publications, but I decided to make an exception. This Inc. article was recently contributed by Benjamin P. Hardy and it addresses some aspects that I feel are very important to our overall health and well-being. At...

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10 Best Ways to Engage and Connect With Employees

I was speaking with a client recently and he was expressing the difficulty that his firm's leadership was having connecting with their Millennial employees. I mentioned that the challenge of how to connect with employees has always existed, but that possibly our...

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Seven Reasons Salespeople Talk Too Much

Why do we often talk more than we should? When other people talk too much, we notice immediately. When we talk too much, everyone else notices except us.  Here are a few possible explanations:  1. Anxiety. People who are anxious use an avalanche of words to...

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