by Kevin Brimhall | Apr 6, 2010 | Book Summaries, Goals / Purpose
In "How to Become CEO. The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization," author Jeffrey J. Fox expands on 75 factors to help a person become the head honcho, the top banana, the big cheese, the boss. I’ve selected 21 from Fox’s list to...
by Kevin Brimhall | Mar 27, 2010 | Book Summaries, Organizational Excellence
Zapp! is not a recent book. In fact, it was written 21 years ago. But its concepts about employee empowerment hold up very well in today’s challenging work environment. Employee motivation is often a difficult idea to truly grasp, yet alone to influence and...
by Kevin Brimhall | Mar 22, 2010 | Personal Improvement
Author and international expert, Ed Oakley, is a master at asking truly effective questions. In his book, Enlightened Leadership, he describes what makes effective questions, effective. Here are a few concepts and excerpts from Ed’s book on this important...
by Kevin Brimhall | Mar 16, 2010 | Personal Improvement
Public speaking is one form of communication and is, quite simply, the process of presenting your thoughts and feelings in a meaningful way. There is a often a perception that only people involved in sales, marketing, or mass media need to learn public speaking....
by Kevin Brimhall | Mar 4, 2010 | Book Summaries, Organizational Excellence
Customers for Keeps. 8 Powerful Strategies to Turn Customers into Friends and Keep Them Forever is a very comprehensive book that compares customers to your friends, and how relating to customers as you would a good friend can result in more new and repeat business...
by Kevin Brimhall | Feb 24, 2010 | Personal Improvement
By changing how you think about your tasks, you can create a better return on investment for your time. Do you have more ‘to-dos’ than time in your day? Is lack of time preventing you from reaching more of your goals? If you had more time, what would it...
by Kevin Brimhall | Feb 16, 2010 | Motivation / Inspiration
The year was 2006. In April, my father died of prostate cancer after a very tough struggle, and I was having difficulty dealing with him being gone. He was only 70 years old. A month earlier, in March, Mildred, my favorite great-aunt, had also passed away. She was...
by Kevin Brimhall | Jan 25, 2010 | Leadership
It seems as though every business-related book, blog or speech these days is titled to emphasize the unique economic times that we are experiencing. Titles like: "Selling When the Economy Stinks", "Finding a Job in Turbulent Times", "Marketing...
by Kevin Brimhall | Jan 19, 2010 | Organizational Excellence
Harvey Mackay certainly knows what it takes to be successful. And like most successful people, he learned from other great leaders in the world, like Sam Walton of Walmart. Enjoy these words of wisdom from the largest employer in the world, taken from the writings of...
by Kevin Brimhall | Jan 7, 2010 | Book Summaries, Sales / Growth
This book has been on my reading list for awhile. Then, its recent endorsement by commercial real estate broker-extraordinaire Peter Pessetto prompted me to act. "Mr. Shmooze" is the story of a man who lives his life and performs as a salesperson with the...