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No Sandbaggers Allowed!

What is "sandbagging"? Sandbagging is a term most often used in the game of golf. In golf it refers to players who either miss shots on purpose or outright cheat by turning in a higher score than they actually shot. This affects the handicap number that is...

How Many Business Partners Do You Have?

"I want to take my business to the next level. We need to grow by 40% this year and 150% over the next 3 years. But…" I heard this from a business owner just last week. His "but" was his concern that his staff wasn’t prepared to get it...

Fighting Complacency

Prior to the holidays I asked a friend of mine about his business. He told me that he’d had a pretty good year but felt frustrated. For the third year in a row, he had fallen short of his annual goals but felt complacent since he’s still doing okay...

Successful Teamwork Begins with One Conversation

It’s important to stay in touch with the topic of leadership in business. A wonderful source for me is my network at the Wharton School of Business, my alma mater. The professors and staff at Wharton do amazing work and I wanted to share with you an interesting...