919.608.3208 (call or text)

The Strategy is Only the Beginning

The work performed at the top of an organization to create strategy and related goals is intended to influence behaviors that drive results throughout the entire organization. Unfortunately, it is not unusual for the primary impact of the strategic work to remain at...

Please Help Me, I’m Stressed!

Stress is always a popular topic of discussion with my coaching clients. Regardless of the economic environment, conditions at home or at the office…no one is immune to it. To help me address the topic of stress this month, I turned to my friend and colleague...

You’re Part of a Team, Right?

Or is it Merely a Working Group? As children and teenagers most of us played on a team of some kind: sports or otherwise. Remember what it felt like to be part of a winning team or, alternatively, a losing team?  Recall the elation you felt when your team won an...