by Kevin Brimhall | Dec 19, 2011 | Book Summaries, Leadership
Delegating is an essential element of any manager’s job, and it frequently comes up as an area of question and frustration for my clients. When done properly, delegating provides real benefits for everyone involved. Done poorly, or not at all, it can make an...
by Kevin Brimhall | Dec 13, 2011 | Goals / Purpose
Unfortunately, many people go through life without ever identifying what they want, where they want to go, or who they want to become. They wonder why they feel frustrated, never achieving anything significant. What they should realize is that the difficulty is in...
by Kevin Brimhall | Nov 22, 2011 | Personal Improvement
Everything seems to go faster these days, leaving people feeling overworked and overloaded. And this is the time of year that we often feel especially busy…that there’s too much to do…overwhelmed! Well, never fear. My friends at Resource Associates...
by Kevin Brimhall | Nov 8, 2011 | Personal Improvement
Having a coach is like having your own personal navigator for your life’s journey. The coach helps you chart your course and reach your destination. Imagine having someone in your corner who is totally committed to your success. Someone who always encourages the...
by Kevin Brimhall | Oct 27, 2011 | Personal Improvement
Every successful individual or organization has a plan. You need to know where you are today and what you want to accomplish in the future. However, just knowing what you want to accomplish is only the first component of a successful equation. The balance of a...
by Kevin Brimhall | Oct 27, 2011 | Book Summaries, Organizational Excellence
I came across "Our Iceberg is Melting. Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions" when looking for a book on organizational change. I was then pleased to see that the forward was written by Spencer Johnson who authored "Who Moved My Cheese" and...
by Kevin Brimhall | Oct 18, 2011 | Organizational Excellence
Managing Change in Organizations. If change were an acronym, what would it be? C.H.A.N.G.E.: Constant Havoc Amidst Needy Grumbling Employees or C.H.A.N.G.E.: Challenging, Hostile, And No-Good Edicts (from management) or C.H.A.N.G.E.: Corrosive Headaches Arriving and...
by Kevin Brimhall | Oct 7, 2011 | Organizational Excellence
"My project is behind schedule, over budget and we’re not delivering on our key objectives!" she exclaimed. "What can I do?" As the project leader of a multi-million dollar, year-long project whose team members spanned 4 counties and multiple...
by Kevin Brimhall | Sep 28, 2011 | Book Summaries, Leadership
Here’s an oldie but goodie for you. Blanchard has coauthored over 30 best-selling books, including The One Minute Manager which has sold more than 13 million copies and has been translated into more than 37 languages. Kenneth T. Derr, former Chairman & CEO...
by Kevin Brimhall | Sep 22, 2011 | Leadership
"Let us suppose that we were asked for one all-purpose bit of advice for management, one truth that we were able to distill from the excellent company’s research. We might be tempted to reply, ‘Figure out your value system.’ Decide what your...