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The Happy Wanderer

A Story of Employee Recognition My friend is Sales Director with a clothing company. He is a talented talker and entertains major clients on a regular basis. Last fall he was deputized while the CEO was on vacation and found an entry in his calendar that said...

Debunking Multitasking Myths

10 Tips for Getting More Done.  The term "multitasking" was originally used to describe computers’ parallel processing abilities. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the term began appearing on resumes as jobseekers restyled themselves into...

7 Steps for Effective Networking

Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, feel like you have the gift of gab, or just don’t know how to make small talk, networking know-how is very important for your business success. There is a notion in business that I believe most of us subscribe...

Take Control of Your Future – Strategically

Over the years, businesses have embraced the fact that defining and having a strategic plan is an important component to long-term success. If you do not plan your direction, you cannot take control of your future. Many businesses are starting to be more aggressive in...

Why Businesses Succeed

If you search Google for "why businesses fail" you will get about 6.9 million results. Many of those articles will talk about the pitfalls and numerous reasons why businesses go out of business. Our stance is, instead of the focusing on what went wrong,...