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The Best Managers Are Leaders Too

Just because the boss’s name badge says "manager" doesn’t mean he’s a good leader. The lack of true leadership in the workplace creates an incredible opportunity for supervisors and their companies to set themselves apart. Find out what...

Unclogging Your Sales Funnel

They completed each step: sent the letter, set the appointment, gathered requirements, presented the solution, completed the demonstration, prepared the quote, presented the proposal, negotiated but failed to close. They followed all the right steps. So what went...

Success by Doing It

The importance of immediate, massive, daily action has been written about many times already, but it is so important that it is worth writing about again and again. The examples in this article come from the world of business, but they could apply to other walks of...

Don’t Make These Selling Mistakes

Achievement of selling "excellence" is most often earned rather than learned. Outstanding professionals continuously seek to hone their skills from mistakes made and from lessons learned in pursuit of success.  Professional sales people in search of...

Fear of Success

Recently we wrote about "Goal Achievement and Fear of Failure," and it is well documented that many people fail to achieve their goals in life due to this phenomenon known as "fear of failure." But are you aware that a major factor that is often...

Goal Achievement and Fear of Failure

In school we were asked to answer questions and take tests. There were right and wrong answers, passing and failing grades. Because we’re a product of our past experiences, we took this same framework into our adult experiences. We have goals and we judge...