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6 Good Things About Failing

You probably know that for decades Babe Ruth held the major league career home run record, but did you know that he also held the record for the most strike outs? He was known to say, "Every strike brings me closer to the next home run." Wise words from a...

Principles of Decision Making

Our attitudes and habits play a significant role in the decisions we make daily. We are bombarded with many decisions every day, and thankfully those decisions require little thought as we are relying on past habits and experiences to make the right decision at that...

Blind Spots: Check Your Mirrors

If You Don’t Check Your Mirrors, You’re Going to Crash! For a driver, a blind spot is an area not easily seen. It may be the area the mirrors miss, either beside or behind the driver … or is simply forgotten by the driver. Accidents occur when the...

Do Opposites Really Attract?

Do birds of a feather flock together or do opposites attract? In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, the UK’s Oxford Psychologists Press (OPP) and its U.S. subsidiary the Institute for Personality and Ability Testing (IPAT), looked for an answer in their data....

Are You Maximizing Your Potential?

For many years this slogan has been the banner we have waved at JFD Performance Solutions as we work with teams and individuals as they Strive, Perform, and Achieve. We continue to believe that everyone has the opportunity to maximize their personal and organizational...