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The Costs of Not Firing a Mediocre Employee

Great companies are not built with mediocre employees. Yet it’s astonishing how often managers postpone firing poor performers and troublesome employees. In exploring the reasons why CEOs fail in their own jobs, an article a few years ago in Fortune magazine...

Seven Sources of Workplace Stress

Most of us would probably agree that a workplace with chronically high stress is NOT a great place to work. While a certain amount of stress is good because it moves people to action, severe or long-term stress creates a negative work environment. Why should leaders...

Authority and Power

Have you ever observed two individuals of equal position, rank, and authority in an organization? One seems to accomplish everything successfully and with ease, while the other seems to always be "under the gun," having a crisis and a difficult...

The Right Attitude

Do You Want To Be More Successful? The Right Attitude is All You Need! As we all know, one of the most important things that impacts personal and organizational results is the attitude of the people involved. A famous quote says, "Your attitude today determines...

Creating Value as a Coach

Coaching is a powerful, highly-tuned process of communication and problem solving. The relationship between coach and client is "co-creative." It focuses entirely on the client’s interests, challenges, and goals. Coaches come in all "shapes and...