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Learning to Say No

Learning to Say No

“No” is such a small word and yet so hard to say. Often we don’t want to say no, even when that’s the right thing to do, because we don’t want to risk appearing incapable, unappreciative, or disrespectful. We don’t always act as we...
Leadership: Flexible vs. Wishy-Washy

Leadership: Flexible vs. Wishy-Washy

The concept of flexible leadership is increasingly relevant in organizations. Flexible leadership, however, is not the same as wishy-washy leadership. The former represents a strategic and adaptable approach to leadership while the latter suggests indecisiveness and...
For Leaders, Relationships are Key at Work

For Leaders, Relationships are Key at Work

I engage with business owners and leaders every day, and too-frequently I observe that too many view employees more as resources and as a means to an end than as human beings. More as tools to be directed, managed, and coordinated than people to be coached, mentored,...