About JFD Performance Solutions
About JFD Performance Solutions
Our Mission:
To help our clients implement sustainable change, improve their results, and achieve their goals.
Frequently our work focuses on:
Executive Coaching
Leadership development
Optimizing mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances
Team cohesion and improving team performance
Personal and professional excellence
Communication and interpersonal dealings
Evaluating C-Level job candidates
Developing and operationalizing strategic plans
Organizational design and development
Business development, effective marketing, increasing sales
and other areas that impact an organization’s performance or a person’s level of success.
Our Values:
Our “non-negotiable” values are demonstrated by how we live and conduct business everyday.
Client Focus
Strong Work Ethic
Kevin Brimhall founded JFD Performance Solutions in 2003 to help:
Companies achieve greater results
Teams work better together
Individuals reach more of their potential.
Our focus is on team and individual performance, business development and organizational effectiveness…assisting companies achieve a profitable and customer-focused advantage to compete in a rapidly changing environment. It’s all about helping people succeed, and when they do, so do their businesses.
People often ask: What does "JFD" stand for?
It is the first letter of Kevin’s wife and children’s middle names. Having “JFD” as part of the company name helps keep us grounded and our priorities in proper perspective.
Professional Summary & Qualifications:
Certified Leadership Development Professional
Certified Personal and Business Coach (CBC)
Enhanced Practitioner
of World Business & Executive Coach (WBECS) Foundations of Great Coaching (2020)
Certified Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Development Professional
Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst (CPBA)
Certified Professional Motivators Analyst (CPMA)
Certified Professional TriMetrix HD Analyst
Owned and operated a retail location
for a Top 50 national franchise. Sold store at a profit after three years of operation.
MBA - University of Pennsylania,
The Wharton School. Established Wharton Club of the Triangle (NC) and inaugural Alumni Club President for 3 years.
BS, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research -
Approved Value-Added Associate
Registered Affiliate Partner
with Pearson TalentLens. Achieved certification (Top 10%) in 2016 from Pearson’s Critical Thinking University.
Approved Development Professional
of PSI Services for various talent management tools and solutions.
18 years experience with five General Electric (GE) businesses
leading marketing, sales, service, business development and operations teams. Achieved Executive Band Level (attained by only ~ 1% of GE employees). Awarded business excellence awards and GE stock options for exceptional performance 11 times.
Profit & Loss responsibility -
led $10 million P&L while a regional sales and service manager for GE Medical Systems (now GE Healthcare).
Advanced through GE Corporate "Crotonville" professional development curriculum -
leadership, management, business strategy, mergers and acquisitions, Six Sigma quality, sourcing.
Certified Six Sigma Green Belt -
achieved during GE tenure.
Other Interests & Involvements:
Numerous community service and volunteer activities
Current and past work with organizations such as HOA board president, Family Promise of Wake County, The V Foundation, Special Olympics of North Carolina, Junior Achievement, Food Bank of NC, Habitat for Humanity, Brown Bag Ministries, Raleigh Tennis Association, Boys & Girls Club, Future 4 Kids, Communities In Schools, and the North Carolina Graduation Project.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church – Council president, strategic planning task force co-lead, ministry team leadership, youth mentor, numerous committees and activities.
Leads seminars and speaks
on a variety of professional, business, and personal improvement topics.
Also enjoys
Family time, getting together with friends, reading, traveling, health and fitness, various sports and outdoor activities, new challenges and experiences.
Contact Us

We are based in wonderful Raleigh, NC.